GGA’s Seventh Annual CEO Pay for Performance Survey with Globe and Mail

GGA and the Globe and Mail partnered once again to present our seventh annual ranking of CEO Compensation for the top 100 largest public companies in Canada’s S&P/TSX composite index.

Full results here.

There’s more behind the final tally. The compensation of CEOs is made up of various components. GGA and the Globe and Mail analysed the compensation for the top 100 CEOs in Canada and broke it down by pay, share ownership, untapped wealth, cash bonus and equity grants.

You can view our findings here.

Our top 100 CEO Compensation ranking shows that equity grants have become a major reason why CEO pay is climbing in Canada. The Globe and Mail’s Janet Mcfarland examines the reaction from major shareholders, who are increasingly growing frustrated with the way companies are offering share units as a major part of CEO pay.

Full analysis here.

And there is more. Paul Gryglewicz in a recent BNN interview, discussed our top 100 CEO Compensation study, including key insights for shareholders, and what boards should consider when developing a CEO compensation package in today’s business environment.

Full interview here.

GGA’s Second Annual Pay for Performance Survey With The Calgary Herald

GGA’s second annual pay for performance survey for the Calgary Herald, looking at executive pay among the top 5 earners in Calgary’s Top 100 companies, is now out.

As GGA’s Managing Partner for Western Canada Arden Dalik said in her op ed this year, “What a difference a year makes. This year, the ‘C’ in C-suite could stand for ‘cut, control and contain’ at most Calgary companies.”

The results we report paint a nuanced picture of how the energy sector is adapting to the rapid changes in market value for the price of oil.

You can read the full summary and view our online graphics with the Herald here.

You can read Arden’s op ed here.

You can also read Herald Business Reporter Dan Healing’s piece on this year’s survey here.

GGA Thought Leadership on Board Diversity Featured In First Annual Survey With The Calgary Herald

GGA’s Arden Dalik was once again the featured expert, along with Governance Studio’s Sylvia Groves on a range of pieces published which focused on the results of GGA’s unique collaboration with the Calgary Herald, surveying board diversity within Calgary’s top 100 publicly traded companies. The survey is the first of any project of its kind published in collaboration with a Canadian newspaper.

Deborah Yedlin’s piece, which featured a video interview with Arden and Sylvia, can be found here.

Sylvia Groves’ op ed on board diversity trends and issues can be found here.

Amanda Stephenson’s story on the energy sector preparing for new guidelines for diversity can be found here.

Arden’s op ed can be found here.

Amanda Stephenson’s piece on who’s leading the way on board diversity can be found here.

GGA and the Miami Herald Partner on First Annual Survey of the 25 Wealthiest South Floridians

For their second partnership of this year, GGA and the Miami Herald have come together to provide the authoritative survey of the top 25 South Floridians, providing an invaluable perspective on the region’s economic development, with insights on growth potential in fields ranging from investment management and information technology to television broadcasting and energy exploration.

You can read the Herald feature piece on the survey, with commentary from GGA’s Miami-based Senior Partner Luis Navas here.

The photo gallery of the top 25 wealthiest South Floridians can be found here.

Luis Navas was also a featured interviewee on the survey, along with the Miami Herald’s business editor Jane Wooldridge, on the WLRN radio show “The Sunshine Economy” with Tom Hudson. You can listen to the episode here, as you read the feature piece with helpful infographics on the WLRN page.